Art News

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ABOUT EDWARD KURSTAK ART WORLD NEWS: French Gov't Invites World to Redesign Notre Dame's Historic Roofline

Posted by Edward Kurstak on

Less than a week after Notre Dame Cathedral's massive fire, which authorities are still investigating yet claim is a most likely nothing but a tragic accident, the French government announced an international competition to rebuild the cathedral's historic roofline and spire.  This may mean big changes to the structure and design of the building are to come.  As with most cathedrals, Notre Dame's initial construction took place over multiple centuries and has...

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ABOUT EDWARD KURSTAK ART WORLD NEWS: Bill Introduced to Cut Funding for Art in US Embassies

Posted by Edward Kurstak on

A freshman congressman from Tennessee, Republican Tim Burchett, introduced a bill on April 1 that aims to cut all funding for artworks in US embassies overseas.  Burchett had the idea for the line-item budget cut when he heard that over $80,000 was spent by the US State Department's Art in Embassies program for a sculpture by musician and artist Bob Dylan—during the most recent (and longest-ever) government shutdown.  The Art in Embassies...

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ABOUT EDWARD KURSTAK ART WORLD NEWS: Italy backpedals on promise to loan Leonardo da Vinci works to France for anniversary exhibition

Posted by Edward Kurstak on

To celebrate the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death at Amboise in France’s Loire Valley, the Musée de Louvre planned to pay tribute with an exhibition putting together nearly one-third of the artist’s entire body of verified works. However, due to geopolitical tensions between Italy and France, one of the most-awaited shows of the decade may not happen—at least in full—after all. In November, Lucia Borgonzoni, an undersecretary to...

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ABOUT EDWARD KURSTAK ART WORLD NEWS: Musée d’Orsay Closed Over Weekend Due to Yellow Vest Protests

Posted by Edward Kurstak on

Yellow Vest protests in Paris this weekend prompted the Musée d’Orsay to cancel its scheduled programming—a nighttime viewing for its currently running exhibit “Picasso. Blue and Rose”—and close its doors for the day, ARTnews reports. Saturday’s protest, the first staged in Paris in 2019, is just one of many in recent months. Yellow Vesters have staged these protests to draw attention to the country’s rising oil prices and, more importantly,...

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ABOUT EDWARD KURSTAK ART WORLD NEWS: Banksy and the $1.4 Million+ Self-Shredding Painting

Posted by Edward Kurstak on

Banksy, the anonymous Londoner who's made his name in the art world on spray-painted urban art, an Oscar-nominated documentary and a creepy, glitchy Disneyland installation, sold a painting at auction for $1.4 million earlier in October—just before shredding it in real-time as soon as the gavel went down. (Photo: New York Times)After the stunt, Sotheby's senior director and head of contemporary art in Europe Alex Branczik said, “It appears we just got Banksy-ed." The auction house soon...

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